Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Posted by Unknown at 10:40

I met a new friend today, a really cool one that watches all the same shows, including PARKS! 
It's brilliant because now I have someone to actually talk to about how wonderful the show is, and I get to use all my Parks quotes that I've been saving for someone who'll actually understand just how funny it is and therefore me for the great delivery.
I think I enjoy that part too much, the idea that i'm funny, when I'm just recycling material..... I can be funny....or at least quirky.

Anyway! I'm not sure if i've mentioned it before but I work in the film industry, i'm currently working on a Fox Uk Production called- Morgan.
It's pretty different from the work i've done before which has been quite period; Game of Thrones, WW1 films, and medieval fantasy Dracula Untold. So a modern film is pretty mad to work on! 
But I'm getting away from myself. My point is that my new friend, works with me on this film. We got to talking about how we got into the industry and what we wanted from it. 
Parks was sorta the 'dream job' it sucks that as soon as I build up enough experience to actually have a shot at being on crew, the show ends. But thats life.

It doesn't stop me however from fantasying about how much fun it might have been to work on the best show ever made. Amy Poehler is wonderfully entertaining, whether it be her acting or her spunky writing ( I read her bio- really really good read!) and from the interviews i've seen the rest of the cast is just as nice and fun!

However i'm gonna tell you all something- film work can be shit. 
Sure you get to be apart of the process and meet actors and see the sets and watch them shooting, all the cool things. 
But you still have to work 12 hours a day (and on this job- 6 days a week). 
You get good pay- but then you can be unemployed for months until something new starts up.
It's can be a hard life, and people snap. 
I think it would possibly ruin the show for me if I had worked on it. 
I know I didn't enjoy Thrones quite as much after working on a few seasons. 
You associate sets with people then those people with bad events like them yelling at you, or the day you fell and broke you leg on set because someone left a cable uncovered. Or that cool scene in the forest for viewers, but you remember it differently- standing for hours in the rain and cold, I try really hard to appreciate how great my hard work looks but it's hard to compartmentalise sometimes.... 

Regardless of all that I still love my job!
But if I'm really a fan of a show or movie, I won't work on it (relatively new rule). I'd rather not spoil too much for myself and my job has me breaking down every scene in the movie so no luck of surprises when it comes to the screen.

Oh dear me, I've been rambling so long I've actually forgotten where I was going with this.

Let just say every job has it's quirks and Parks is the best show ever!

Me on the Throne. 
Next time serious face.....>^<


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