Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Posted by Unknown at 03:39
So the final episode of Community aired last night.
It isn't officially the last ever season but it definitely had that, 'wrapping up' feel to it.
The whole episode was different scenarios of what season 7 might be like if it were to come back. Some crazy ideas, some not so much. All sad as everything changes.
That's usually how long running series come to an end, everything changes.
People break up, people move forward with their lives and some just leave.

I always have this extreme emptiness feeling when a show I've come to love nears it's end, not just shows but books too. Theres a sadness that can sink in because the real world isn't usually as fun as the world you get to visit though books and movies and shows!

Community was an incredibly fun show!
Dan Harmon had a vision which you could clearly see after he left by how terrible the show became, it lacked the humour and inventive nature of the first 3 seasons.
But Dan came back and gave the show a proper possible send off!

This show was light, fun, interesting, creative and had a large variety of weird and explosive characters that worked so well together!
I will miss the enjoyment and anticipation of new episodes, but it's a show I will continue to watch for many years as it's my;


It's been fun.


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