BUT it does make these walks that much more special.
I was really getting into the 'Summer feeling'. Me and Jessie were just wondering through the forest when we came to this awesome little meadow filled with Daisies!!! So I did what I always do when I see daisies;

Theres something so nostalgic about daisy chains. I think thats why I still continue to make them. Sure i'm growing up but theres always some things that must be done in Summer!
It was so beautiful out, well for part of the day- I do live in Ireland so theres only so much sun you can expect to get in a day. I couldn't help myself everything looked so beautiful that I just took a bunch of pictures!
It was quite strange, but in the middle of the forest, away from the paths, I found all these weird little huts and such that'd been built from loose branches and sticks. They looked beautiful with all the autumn leaves scattered, however I will admit the first thing that came into my mind was-' the blair witch project' *shivers*
Because I only had the one day I actually visited a few places other than the forest.
It started the rain at this point though, but while i was hiding beneath the trees I got some pretty pictures ^^)
I LOVE cherry blossom trees!
I'm going to Japan next Spring for the Sakura Festival! I shall be taking thousands of pictures then so just wait for actual pretty pictures!
I got into a habit of collecting garbage throughout forests after starting this blog.
I was going over why Leslie Knope is so amazing and I came to the episode where she gets sick of how long it take big governments to get anything done so she decides, SCREW IT! I'm gonna clean the river myself!
I want to learn from Leslie, granted she's not a real person but she's literally the embodiment of the idea of an amazing person, so same difference. (try to wrap your head around that, ha!)
Basically It's time we start actually enjoying the outdoors, and treating our planet with some respect!
The beauty and wonder of nature is incredible if you can actually take a moment to appreciate it!
I'll continue to post pictures of my adorable dog and myself on new adventures!
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