Drunk and Hungover, is there any better Leslie?
Well yes, but there is nothing funnier than a drunk Leslie!
It must have been so hard for any actor playing alongside Amy doing those drunk scenes, she's so funny you wonder how they manage to keep a straight face!
Leslie is having a drink off with Ron's mom and ex-wifre Tammy 1.
Winner gets to keep Ron!
Leslie tries so hard.....
Leslie accidentally married two male penguins and became the, 'Queen of the Gays'
She's at a party thrown in her honour at the Pawnee gay club- 'the bulge'
Leslie is nervous about her date with Dave so she decides to get drunk and show up at his house the night before the date at 2am, and does this
Me, every time I drink now.
Remember at the top of the post I mentioned how hard it must be for someone to act alongside Amy when she's doing those hilarious drunk scenes? Well the video below between the time frame listed underneath, will show you just how hard it is!
What it's like to do a drunk scene with Amy Poehler- time: 5.53-6.44
I hope I'm as funny when I'm drunk!
I shall test it tonight!
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