I have an unhealthy attachment to my dog. I admit it.
It's just because she's so adorable and loyal and smart and so very comforting!
PLUS she gets me out walking everyday and to interesting parks and forests.
Where I live is surrounded by Parks, and since I've moved to the area they've become much more agreeable! Clean, filled with flowers and there are always a crazy amount of dogs for my little girl to play with. Parks are great fun! >O<
Although I do love a stroll in the Park, I will admit to be more partial to the forest.
Every chance I get I take Jessie to the forest near where I live.
I don't know it's name as the sign was stolen, but it has an abundance of streams, wildlife paths, flowers and my favourite, naturally fallen trees, you know when the roots are still have in the earth and the tree is tilted towards the sky but now it's finally climbable for you short legs!
See Jessie's little butt climbing the tree?
I love the way you can see the branches from a completely new angle, how wriggly they look bare.
Now a crazy amount of pictures of me and Jessie on our walks and the beauty of the unknown forest.
This is my favourite place in the forest, no matter what time of day, or weather it always has the same eery beauty. Plus it's off the path deep in the forest so i've never seen another person come by. Its my spot. Okay Jessie's too.
I didn't build it, kinda creeped me out when I first saw it, I mean it's in the middle of nowhere and i've seen a lot of horror films.
This is actually an overturned tree. It's quite magnificent in person. Huge rocks protruding out. Now the small crevices' are homes for insects and rodents alike.
Thank you Parks and Recreations! And Jessie!
Without you guys God knows I'd probably never leave my apartment, but thanks to you, I'm totally into hiking! As long as Jess is with me!
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