April and Andy adopted this beautiful one legged dog!
I always loved seeing this guy pop up in the episodes, I have a puppy myself, her name is Jessie. I won't post a picture of her just yet as I have a future post with her name all over it.
Anyway Champion has a very significant part in the show for me.
First the dog Park, April always loved dogs but she became more driven to create a dog park after adopting Champion, start of her real role in the government!
Furthermore just like in life, Parks and Recs shows how easy it is to fall in love with such a loyal creature! They also have pop up animal adoptions, supporting the adoptions of older animals and not just the cute puppies.
Chris spent one day with Champion him and was in love!
Plus the affection you get from an animal, especially a dog, is uplifting!
If you're depressed- GET A DOG!
If you're feeling generous you can donate to a local animal shelter.
I recommend;
The site also has a lot of useful information if you ever think of adopting a rescue dog.
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