Thursday, 9 April 2015

First post- It's Knope time

Posted by Unknown at 02:25
Trying to start a blog is one of those things you think will be simple but really isn't. 
I spent so much time trying to think of a name that I panicked and chose something silly, when really I wanted it to be;
Rookie error, I'll try and be better.

So lately I've been thinking a lot about characters, in real life, TV, movies, work etc. 
Of all the people I've met and the insane amount of movies I've seen LESLIE KNOPE must be my absolute favourite!
You see when you watch the show you get so pulled in by the characters and the story, and it's all about the Parks and Recreations department for the local Pawnee Government, doesn't sound like it'd be interesting, which is kinda what makes it that much better, because it is incredibly fun!

Leslie Knope is the kind of character that makes you want to take on a project and work your damn hardest to get it done and make it rock! 
I mean I don't want to be just like Leslie, that'd be exhausting, She's just what keeps me working at the end of the day when all I want to do is fall asleep on my desk, because I want to be inspired by myself too one day. 
(I know she's just a TV character just to reassure anyone reading, i'm not crazy just yet)

So my blog will be dedicated mostly to PARKS AND RECREATIONS and some of the best moments to come from the show, all the way to the final season!
However i'll probably also throw in a few post about the many other shows i'm currently watching just to vent mostly as no one else in the tiny city seems to watch good TV shows anymore...>>


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